GTS “Get Tight Sucka” Offshore Rods are the ultimate in daytime and nighttime swordfishing rods!
Capt. Brett Holden’s custom light weight GTS series swordfishing rods have been tweaked to perfection for any boat. The GTS-50/80 rods allow the angler to fight stand up or in the chair, straight butt or a push of a button and the WT adjusta-butt converts to a bent but for leverage! The Booby Trap Fishing Team designed this Rod with the perfect tip action they believe offers a better catch ratio helping to keep the swordfish on the hook. The tip action is insane to watch on the bite and the head shake pulling less hooks on the soft mouth broadbill. With over 1000 Swordfish logged by Capt. Brett Holden this is his favorite set up. Melton Tackle’s custom rod builders worked with the Capt. Brett Holden to fine tune this rod family and offer anglers worldwide custom swordfish tackle right out of the box.
“Get Tight Sucka” Offshore Rods
Complete Range of GTS Rods Available at